A fun story that I just heard today from my Uncle Tony happened last Sunday at my Grandma McDonald's birthday party. Uncle Tony was in the back room playing with Thomas when Abbie and Bonnie came in with him to play and Abbie looks up at him and says, "I can watch the little kids now." Letting Uncle Tony know that there was another set of dependable eyes in the room. He said he asked her how old she was and choked on her answer of "4"!!!
Here is a picture that Auntie Emilie took of our Abigail.
Abigail is always eager to clean anything and everything. Do you see her feet???
Jonathan and Abigail in mommy and daddy's shoes!
Abigail, looking into the radar screen aboard the Midway.I know if we gave her one of these she would have every friend and foe identified and would probably be driving the aircraft carrier as well!
Here is a picture of Abigail sitting on her daddy's wall.
It is fun to hear more about Abbie. She is very popular around here, and we hear her opinions on a multitude of subjects. Christian can be heard to say, "You know what Abbie told me?" at least twice a day.
This is a super cute picture of your girl. How fun to be with Abbey as she becomes such adorable young lady. We love you Lisa and John,
Merry Christmas!
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