(God speaking to Moses): "You yourselves have seen what I did to
Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles wings and brought you to
Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all
nations you will
be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth
is mine, you will be
for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
Ex. 19:4-5
What an amazing promise. The Creator promising to make the nation of Israel his own treasured possession, His own special kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The one condition? Obedience. Full obedience and a keeping of His covenant. Our "but human-ness" declares that this is "attainable". These people had seen God's amazing work and knew that He was One to give their full allegiance to.
Then God took Moses and Aaron up on the mountain and began to display the contents of the law to them: first the famous ten commandments, 1. you shall have no other god's before me. 2. No graven images. 3. Do not take the Lord's name in vain. 4. Keep the Sabbath day holy 5. Honor your father and mother. 6. Do not murder. 7. Do not commit adultery 8. Do not steal. 9. Do not lie 10. Do not covet. This list is the most famous of a whole list of laws that included: laws about slaves, property, social responsibility, personal injuries, and festivals. These laws show such a Good, Righteous and Holy God.
We see the children of Israel fail before they even begin on their journey of obedience. Their disobedience was not just a lack of self-control but a much deeper problem: imputed sin. When the first man, Adam, disobeyed God his sin was imputed to all who would be born through his blood-line. Everyone. Except one. That is the key to the laws that were to be kept in accordance with the standards of the Righteous God. The imputed sin that Adam passed onto his children would find its lone adversary through One, God's Son, Jesus Christ. The justification that would be given through Christ would allow imputed righteousness which would preclude the imputed sin.
As I said in my last post, God saw the people he was dealing with and knew they were but human and he provided for their very human needs. Their bickering, whining, self-centerdness were an expression of their human condition. How desperately this human condition needed a deliverer so that it could function at it's full capacity.
How thankful I am that God has redeemed me. My sins are many. I look at my aspirations and they're "good" but how wonderfuly greater to have One who is performing His good in my life--breathing new life into me which liberates me from the ball and chain of my sin.
As parents, Joe and I get to represent both law and grace to our children. To teach them that we are the ultimate authority that God has given them. We get to unfold the law and teach them, hold them accountable and train them. We get to encourage them and delight in their successes and shine a search beam on their sins.
How wonderful that God has provided for us in our human condition and may we cling to His example as we live and our lives affect the lives around us.
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