Sunday, May 6, 2007

Half-full + Half-empty = Overflowing

Last night I was in the kitchen and noticed something unusual. We have a guinea pig that lives right near our sliding glass door. Well, on the other side of the door was a large black cat, tail twitching back and forth. He was ready to pounce. Everything looked ideal for a nice, easy meal. A fat guinea pig. A hungry cat. A great recipe...only the cat didn't know how strong that clear barrier would be...

I have thought a lot about the half-full/half-empty analogy of yesterday. I have discovered that I am a half-empty personality. I will call myself a realist. I always have to think through all the details of life so I am ready for whatever comes my way. When we go on a walk in the morning I like everyone to wear a sweater when we start out, then we peel them off about half-way through. I like to always be prepared and ready.

My husband's cup is always half-full. He is always delighted with any event that comes his way. If the day looks inviting he wants to jump in and explore and enjoy. Who could possibly be uncomfortable in such an enchanting day?

This small realization has opened up a fun path of communication that we haven't been able to venture onto before. I have just never realized that he doesn't think about the details, until the very last minute...while I think them at the inception of the idea.

Okay, guinea pig and communication? How do they mix??? There seem to be a lot of things in life that we have a great idea for...only we can't quite make the circumstance actually materialize. There is a sliding glass door, so to speak, in our way. Well, when "Half-full" has a great idea, and "Half-empty" knows how to fill in the details...what do you get? An open door. (Only let's take guinea out of the equation now...)

I am so thankful that I get to walk alongside my husband. I learn so much from him and thank God for mercifully giving me someone who is complimentary to my weaknesses and vice versa.

Joe and I "overflowing" with thankfulness.
December 30, 2006, Elizabeth Noelle's birth-day.

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